A couple of years ago, my grandma, aunt, and I were going through my grandpa's old photography stuff and we came upon a stash of Kodak Verichrome Pan 127 film. Most of it has been exposed but not developed (I'm working on changing that!) but there was one roll that was still sealed in its tiny yellow box, expiration date 09/1969. I took it home with me and it sat in my fridge until this past weekend. I found a tiny Brownie Chiquita camera on Ebay for $12, and ran the film through it at my favorite park while playing disc golf Saturday evening, and when I picked up the roll from Nichols yesterday at lunch, I almost cartwheeled my way through the lobby when I saw the developed negs. They still work! My grandpa bought this little roll of film, and I bet it never crossed his mind that his granddaughter would shoot it 40 years later. I bet he'd love to see what I did with it, and I bet he'd love that I have a thing for cameras and photography, just like he did.
I love that you have a thing for cameras and photography and stuff...as I'm sure your grandpa would as well. And those pics. Wow. How neat.
such a wonderful thing to share.
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