Lake Mary, Big Cottonwood Canyon
This summer has been a doozy, with two wild and crazy events: first, I got a new job. In two days, I'll be leaving my old job of eight years to work as
Howie Garber's office manager. He's an award-winning, world class wildlife, landscape and adventure sports photographer and just a real nice guy. I've been working both jobs for about five weeks now and my brain is toast. Just...two...more...days... Second, remember "never say never?" Yeah, well, I said I'd never buy a DSLR and guess what. I did. I've got a shiny new Pentax K100D with built in image stabilization! It's awesome! I hate carrying my tripod on hikes and backpacking trips and it's damn near impossible to use a tripod on a kayak, so this is working out well! "Much to learn, I have," as Yoda would say, but I will. I will. Any tips or tricks are certainly welcomed!
I hope your summer has been wonderfully fun and full of great photo opportunities.
Stop by my new
website. It's lovely, if I do say so myself.