Saturday, November 01, 2008

Collecting Fall

Before the sun came completely over the mountains this morning, I opened the blinds in my front room, anxious to see the autumn light filtering in. An hour later, I wandered into the room and saw my front yard bursting with color. I couldn't stop smiling. I waited a couple of hours for it to warm up and dry up outside, and then I went collecting.

Our old house, bless its little red brick soul, was a lovely home but was almost void of fall color. We did have beautiful gingko trees that would turn a soft buttery yellow mere days before all the leaves would drop at once, but there were no reds, no oranges, no seed pods, nothing of that. Today, as I filled my hands with fall finds from the yard, my smile returned as a renewed love for my new house gushed into my little autumn-loving soul.