Tuesday, November 04, 2008


This image has nothing to do with my blog post, but I like it, so I'm posting it. I've been thinking a lot about friendship lately, and wishing I had more friends, and I hope that statement doesn't immediately make me sound like a loser. I love the friends that I have, I just wish I had more.

My husband and I, for years, have been wishing we had more couple friends, preferably those without kids. We live in a society where if you don't have at least one child by your second anniversary, you're completely abnormal, but we just passed our seven-year mark and see no spawn on the horizon and we like it that way, but it leaves us with "just us" on many a weekend and all of our travels. We always worry that people think we're freaks or too boring or just plain weird. We joke about placing an ad in the City Weekly (Salt Lake's indie alternative paper) for childless couple friends who like traveling, concerts, outdoor activities, and good food, and if they could teach us how to appreciate wine, that'd be a plus, and they must have great senses of humor. If they like disc golf and Mystery Science Theater that wouldn't be a bad thing either. We don't want needy friends, or swingy friends, just friends to hang out with occasionally and road trip with. Is that so hard?!


Anonymous said...

Nope doesnt sound wierd at all.Good friends are hard to find. My best friend and I have been friends almost 14 yrs and I know what a true treasure he really is. Hope you find new friends to do fun things with soon :D

Emma Bradshaw said...

It is funny in this virtual world we live in - how you read blogs and look at flickr pictures and find people you have so much in common with but you are never going to meet? Sometimes I feel quite out of step with friends and family but will log on to the computer and find the same people with the same worries and the same daily chores, which gives me great comfort - but does freak me out very slightly (am I a loner or computer nerd?). No - it's just the way the world works, you'll find people - maybe you just need to look in different places?

Kristy said...

It's sad that we can't be friends anymore because we have a kid. We loved and miss hanging out with you guys! Give us a call sometime we can always find a sitter, and Boston loves road trips. Just sayin'

WendyL said...

I'm workin' on it! I plan to be a SParke groupie for sure...even if/when I get married.

I can't do much as far as the wine goes, but I love me a good trip, outdoor activity or even good food. Last I checked, I had a sense of humor too...

Where do I apply?

Anonymous said...

Where have you guys been all our lives? Please move to Texas.

Steph Parke said...

Donna G: Please move to Utah! :)

Kristy and Wendy: You dopes. I said NEW friends. I love you guys.

Debbie: Thank you!

Emma: I agree, so much. Sometimes the virtual world crosses paths with "the real world" and it's sweet and fun. Sometimes I wish I lived closer to many of my Flickr friends, but then I'd have to live in Oregon, New Mexico, New Jersey, England, etc. Maybe someday... Maybe I do need to look in different places, but I just don't know which ones. Cheers, my faraway friend.

Travis said...

I made a blog post. Neato

Anonymous said...

If you road trip to Iowa, the wife and I will be your friends. We're a couple, childless, like pets, traveling, photography, music, etc.

Anonymous said...

PS Loving the shoes :D

Leah said...

There's nothing weird about it. Not a single thing. Even though I'm single, I feel much the same way. If I ever come to visit Utah, and you're still on the lookout for friends, we'll have to hang out. I can't guarantee I'll be part of a couple but I definitely know good food and my sense of humor is always intact. =)

PS - I have those shoes too!

PPS - it's Leah from flickr. =)

Dharma Bum 53 said...

try being 55 and single... I have lived in Portland Maine for 4 years and have no friends... oh, except for my best friend Ryder who doesn't talk back, always loves to ride in the car and keeps to one corner of the bed. could be worse.

turtle tracks said...

What really frustrates me is not having any photography friends in real life. I know what you mean, though. I hate sitting down to lunch at work because almost all of my co-workers have kids and it's all they talk about. I don't hate kids or anything, but at the end of the day I'm glad to come home to my dogs. Lucky me, some friends of ours are moving to Oregon in a year or two. They've got three dogs and no kids, and we plan on having lots of dog-related adventures.

Oh and also, Mystery Science Theater 3000 is only one of the best shows ever. Hikeeba!

Steph Parke said...

Thank you all so much for your comments, advice, commiseration, friendly out-of-state invites, and for just plain visiting my blog. You've all made my day!

Drum roll please... the winner of a free Polaroid print from yours truly is Donna G!

Kristin Zecchinelli said...

yeah it is hard both ways. i have been in maine 3 years and have NO friends here. nada. why do you think i post s many pictures. to kill my time. fill the gaps. i am the opposite of you i have 2 toddlers and i teenager so i am stuck at home and i try to meet other moms and get the cold shoulder more times than not. :( i have awesome friends in PA and here on flickr, but not where i live. grrrrr. why is it so hard???