We flew into LAX last Tuesday night and after waiting at the curb for what seemed like an hour, our Disneyland shuttle bus finally pulled up. All 13 of us (including five kids under the age of 8) piled on and were magically whisked away to Anaheim and our hotel where our cozy beds awaited us. We (the Parke family minus my youngest niece who's not quite one) spent Wednesday, Thursday and Friday walking all over Disneyland and Californa Adventure, and had a ridiculously fun time of it. My highlights included taking my two nieces on the teacups and spinning ourselves silly, the Dole pineapple whips from Adventureland, Soarin' Over California, lunch at Ariel's Grotto (Mmm, good pasta), making funny faces and hand gestures at the camera on Space Mountain, riding the Matterhorn four times in one day (three of which were in a row), the amazing fireworks show, and my Main Street ice cream cone. My husband's family is just wonderful and we all have so much fun together. Thank you all for making this the best Disneyland trip yet! 2010, here we come!

Steph, that sounds like fun... i just can't believe how many of you guys there were! wow!
lemme ask you - is that Dole pineapple whip you mentioned a food item - i read that and have been conjuring up images of some fruity crushed pineapple dessert with coolwhip on top- not good for someone who is no match against the power of suggestion. i'll be thinking about that all night. thanks!
otherwise, i hope your chili party was awesome (it looks like it was) and life is treating you right out there...
xx liz
The Dole pineapple whip is basically soft serve pineapple sherbet. No chunks or whipped cream or anything, and that's just how I like it. I'm actually allergic to pineapple, but not if it's in Disneyland whip form. Disney is magical in so many ways!
The chili party was awesome. You'll have to come sometime!
disney works no-allergy magic?
They are amazing at the Disneyland! No, the real reason is that there's no actual fruit/pulp in the whip. It's just pineapple juice/flavoring, so I'm ok with that. But I like to think it's Disney magic. ;)
i LOOOOVE thee 2 !!f
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