Wednesday, November 24, 2010
The End
The end of my second (traveling) season with the Forest Service couldn't have been more perfect. I had one last trip to make to Pine Valley Recreation Area in Dixie National Forest, so we made a long weekend out of it and stayed two nights in cozy Springdale, Utah right outside Zion National Park. We hiked, we soaked up the last of the late autumn sunshine, we ate good food, and we saw Zion like we'd never seen it before.
Usually when we venture down to the park, it's May, but this was our first time there in the fall, and I can say with 100% confidence that I never want to go again in May. Fall is the time to be in Zion. It was like seeing the place with new eyes. The autumn leaves were spectacular and I will happily trade summer wildflowers for buttery yellow cottonwood leaves any day.
We hiked to Scout Lookout together, and that's where I stop. My husband continued on to Angel's Landing for his fourth time on top, and as always, he says it was exhilarating. I sprawled out in the sunshine and wasted some film in my Great Wall and K1000 while I waited for him. I chatted with a few other hikers, shooed away about 20 chipmunks, and had a wonderful time just hanging out. There's always great people-watching at the lookout.
Taylor Creek Trail in the Kolob Canyons section of the park is on our must-hike list when we go to Zion, and hike it we did. The sun was out but it was windy and cold, but it couldn't have been nicer. There was snow on the ground here and there, and we saw lots of deer tracks and a few other critters. This trail, just like all others in Zion, is one where you can't help but trip all over yourself because you're constantly trying to look up at the canyon walls. The scenery is stunning, jaw-dropping. Just like the rest of Zion. A fitting end to another great season.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Monday, November 08, 2010
I (Kind of) Really Heart Boise
I was at work last Thursday morning, you know - working, when I got an e-mail that made me really excited. I got the go-ahead to fly up to Boise, Idaho that very afternoon for a quick, end-of-the-season day in the field. I rushed home to book the flight and hotel, do laundry, pack, and have lunch with my husband, then off to Boise I went. This was the third trip there for me in four months, and I'm really starting to fall in love with the place. What? Boise? I know, but it's really cool!
I got into town Thursday at dinnertime and took a smokey cab to the hotel, where my only goal was to get myself caught up on perusing the 'Roid Week pool. I did that and was blown away by the quality of work I saw (I think this was the best 'Roid Week ever), then worked on some of my own Polaroids, readying them for posting. I talked to my husband for a while, then turned on the dreaded television. We watch a lot of stuff on Netflix and a couple shows on Hulu, but our actual TV is not even plugged in, so TV is like crack for me. I watched really horrible shows until 2 o'clock in the morning! I'm usually fast asleep by 10! But really, the first night away from home, I don't sleep anyway, so what better way to waste it than by watching trash on television? I knew you'd see my point.
I woke up a mere three hours after I finally turned off the tube, and at 7, my swanky government fleet vehicle ride appeared and we headed out on Highway 55 to Boise National Forest so I could shoot a couple cabins and a guard station. There was fog, snow on the road, a pink outhouse, wolf tracks, frost, giant puddles, a mustard-colored couch, door locks that were smarter than us, outhouse portraits, a fire crew, slash piles a-flame, cinnamon pine cones, Ponderosa pine-sniffing, downtown U-turns, a car wash, hot-as-hell Flying Pie jalapeno pizza, ice cold beer, and really good company. Saturday afternoon I flew home, and here I am missing Boise and wishing for more field days there with cool people.
'Roid Week Rocks
As much as I hate to admit it, I think I've resigned to posting in this space once a month. Several times a week, I think "Hey, I should update my blog" but then I get busy with other things and forget. I've had a busy month, both with work and play. We've had a lot of family time, a lot of Netflix-watching in bed, and a lot of cooking going on. There's been a little pumpkin-carving with the neighbors and some concert-going too. It's been a lovely month really, just a little too busy for my taste.
The great thing about this past month is that just last week was 'Roid Week 2010! Five wonderful days of Polaroid. I shot quite a bit between two different photo outings with friends and my quick trip to Boise, and seeing all of my Polaroids (38 of them!) just makes me so happy for the future of instant film. Here are a few of my favorites from the week...

And to stretch the Polaroid fun just a little longer, Words to Shoot By featured it this week. Go on over and check out some amazing work.
The great thing about this past month is that just last week was 'Roid Week 2010! Five wonderful days of Polaroid. I shot quite a bit between two different photo outings with friends and my quick trip to Boise, and seeing all of my Polaroids (38 of them!) just makes me so happy for the future of instant film. Here are a few of my favorites from the week...

And to stretch the Polaroid fun just a little longer, Words to Shoot By featured it this week. Go on over and check out some amazing work.
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