Two nights ago when I was scanning in the teeny tiny images from my new Fuji Instax Mini, somehow I got "Hot for Teacher" stuck in my head and there it's been ever since. I'm really not sure why I'm sharing that. Maybe if I watch it on Youtube, I'll get it out of my head. Let's see...
Anyway, it's important to know that "I got it bad, got it bad, got it bad" for this little camera. Those of you who frequent my blog know that I am a Polaroid girl, and I honestly thought I would never try Fuji's line of instant film, but whenever I've got money sitting in my Paypal account, it burns a hole right through my virtual pocket, and long story short, I ended up buying the Instax Mini and 10 mini packs of films off Ebay. I took it up to beautiful Sundance on Monday to play around. Really, I just wanted a good excuse to go have lunch there. The deli makes the world's best turkey sandwich! I burned through a pack and a half pretty quickly, and found it to have a slightly soft focus, which I appreciate, and aside from having to tape over the flash so it wouldn't affect my shots, I had a great time with it and can't wait to use it more! The rectangular format is going to take some getting used to, but I'm loving it so far. Don't think I'm trading in my beloved Polaroid though, and I'm certainly not selling my stash on ebay! No way.

Dang! I thought this post was going to be about a hot teacher (ME!) NON
Hmmm... I've been toying with the idea of getting one of these for a while.. you may have convinced me - looks like fun :)
WOW looks lovely,,still dreamy effects ,,im still jealous and Susannah you should,id love to see yours from one too!!!
you sure you don't want to sell your pola stash? ; )
Ha ha ha, Non! That made me laugh!
Thanks Debbie!
You should do it, Susannah. It's pretty cheap and lots of fun. Why not?
Dave, no sir. :)
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