I was perusing the lovely Bits & Pieces of a Happy Life blog by Erica, and found this little ditty and decided to fill it in with my answers. I love survey-ish questionaire thingies like this.
I AM: terribly excited to use this sweet new Polaroid SX-70 tomorrow (replacement for dead SX-70, thanks Nate!).
I WANT: Travis to come home from work. It's almost 8:30 on a Friday night!
I WISH: I could go on tour with Grace Potter and the Nocturnals.
I HATE: going to bed some nights. I'm like a kid. I fight it because I'm just not ready to sleep. I have websites to peruse, magazines to read, pointless random stories to tell...
I MISS: lazy summer days filled with nothing but popsicles and riding bikes.
I HEAR: "Ribs and Whiskey" by Widespread Panic, and myself clicking away on the keyboard
I WONDER: how I could get packages of Goofy Sours from Disneyland sent to my house.
I REGRET: getting out of the habit of walking everyday. I used to walk up to two hours a day and felt really good about myself.
I AM NOT: very motivated.
I DANCE: like an uncoordinated white girl/hippie at concerts and I don't care!
I SING: very poorly but out loud in the car all the time and in front of my computer if I've got something playing from iTunes
I CRY: "cry" isn't the right word, sometimes I get slightly teary at concerts because I feel so alive and usually they're outside and the scenery is amazing and I always feel so lucky to be there, listening to great music with my best friend.
I AM NOT ALWAYS: late, despite what my husband might tell you.
I MAKE WITH MY HANDS: most recently, a stitched felt Polaroid camera cover for a Flickr friend in Encino, CA, the lovely Fotonomous.
I WRITE: two blogs and on two Flickr accounts.
I CONFUSE: myself. I can be a real dumb ass sometimes.
I NEED: to travel more. There's a whole world out there that I need to see.
I SHOULD: get started on scanning my family Polaroids for a Christmas gift.
I START: too many projects.
I FINISH: not enough of said projects. I'm well-intentioned, but lose interest.
Happy weekend!