After two weeks of a screwy work schedule, our Moab road trip, two house guests, and Easter, today is back to normal. It's Monday and I'm off from work, in my pj's and glued to the computer. I scanned all of my negatives and Polaroids from the road trip (see previous post) and am so happy that I've got a Polaroid SLR 680. It's just about the coolest camera I've ever seen. I was determined to shoot with it in Moab/Arches, and shoot I did. I came back with a sizeable stack and a renewed love for Polaroid, as well as a gloomy, impending doom sort of feeling because Polaroid film is on its way out. *Arms out, zombie-like... Must-Stockpile-More-Film...Must-Stockpile-More-Film...

My Polaroid SLR 680 inside Devils Garden

along the trail to Delicate Arch

I love this image for so many reasons: it was our first visit to Delicate Arch and it's just spectacular; the oh-so-familiar genuine Polaroid noise echoed around the sandstone bowl and garnered me more than a few looks and smiles from other people at the arch; the sun was shining and all was right with the world.
The rest of the stack can be seen on my
Flickr page.
I'm listening to Apologies by
Grace Potter & the Nocturnals.