Monday, January 06, 2014

Today I'm 36

Today I'm 36. I won't lie. 35 kicked my ass. It was a good year, but a very, very tough year in which I faced a few things I never imagined I'd have to take on. I came through ok, not exactly with flying colors, but life goes on and all I can do is go right along with it. 

I decided several months ago not to share a birthday list this year like I've done in years past. This time, I'm just keeping it to myself. I'm sure I'll share bits and pieces of my year along the way, but for the most part, I feel like I want to unplug and disconnect a little. 

I did a lot of wonderful things in 2013, saw beautiful places, drank a lot of coffee, cooked quite a bit, traveled more than I hoped I would, and spent good amounts of time with people I love. And really, I couldn't have asked for more. But I'm hoping for more of everything good in 2014. It started off quite well in Jackson, Wyoming and Grand Teton National Park, and I can only hope it gets better from here.


Ashley Moore said...

Happy Belated Birthday Steph! And belated Happy New Years and Christmas too! I wish you the best on your next trip around the sun.

Leacayoungart said...

Happy Belated Birthday. I loved all your pics of my home state. I miss Wyoming but I will never leave Alaska. I guess it really has become our new home.

Laura said...

First time stop by... photos are beautiful. How did you get started with photography?